Home - News & Insights - thestartupfactory.tech joins the EHE family

News & Insights

Nyree - 07 / 11 / 2022

thestartupfactory.tech joins the EHE family

Last week EHE and thestartupfactory.tech formally joined forces under the EHE group umbrella. 

thestartupfactory.tech in Manchester is widely known for their pragmatic, hands-on tech start up support and advice for anyone looking to get off the ground, and has a long standing relationship with both start ups, partners and the angel network in Manchester. 

EHE provides a platform to connect entrepreneurs with investors, as well as providing a range of education resources to help them on their fast growth journey.

This means we’re able to provide entrepreneurs with all the support they need on their journey, whether that’s support with building tech, angel funding, or through further investments.

For more information on tsf.tech visit thestartupfactory.tech

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